1. Doko : Where?
Example: テブル どこですか。
Teburu doko desu ka. (Where is the table?)
Dimanakah letak meja?
2. Nani/Nan : What?
Example: 何ですか
Nan desu ka. (What is it?)
Ada apa?
Nani wo shimasuka (what are you doing?)
Apa yang sedang kau kerjakan?
3. Dare : Who?
Example: だれですか
Dare desu ka. (Who is it?)
4. Siapa?
Dare no kaban desuka (whom bag is it?)
Tas siapa ini?
5. Naze : Why?
Example: なぜ ですか。
Naze desu ka. (Why is it?)
Kenapa ?
6. Itsu : When ?
Densya wa Itsu kimasu ka. (When does the train arrive?)
Kapan KRL tiba?
7. Do/Ikaga : How?
ごはん は ど ですか。
gohan wa do desu ka. (How is the rice?)
Bagaimana (rasa) nasinya?
8. Ikura : How Much?
いくら ですか。
Example: Ikura desu ka. (How much is it?)
Berapa (hargan...
quick overview using japanese particle de で
Particle de common use in relation of place, method and object, basically we can summary of particle de in three function, they are
1. where an action takes place (at, in)
2. method or tool used for an action (with, by)
3. the composition of an object (of, from)
Particle de digunakan untuk menyatakan
1. tempat dimana kegiatan dilakukan
2. metode atau cara melakukan kegiatan
3. komposisi, pembuatan sebuah object
For example
1. 学校(がっこう)で勉強(べんきょう)します。
Gakko de benkyou shimasu.
I study at school.
Saya belajar di sekolah
1. 工場で働く。
Koujou de hataraku
I work at factory.
Saya bekerja di pabrik.
2. 飛行機(ひこうき)でロンドンに行きました。
Hikoki de rondon ni ikimashita.
I went to London by plane.
Saya telah pergi ke London dengan pesawat.
2. 車で公園に遊びました。
Kuruma de kouen ni asobimashita....
Potential Verb Conjugation
Potential verb
Used to express that the verb has the ability to perform, for example, can be eaten (taberareru), can be drunk (nomeru), can be written (Kakeru), can be discarded (suterareru) and others. Rules to change the verb into verb potential are
〜る verbs
〜る ==> 〜られる
食べる (taberu) ==> 食べられる (taberareru/eatable)
捨てる(suteru) ==> 捨てられる (suterareru/discarded)
〜う verbs
u ==> eru
読む(nomu) ==> 読める (nomeru/drinkable)
話す(hanasu) ==> 話せる (hanaseru/able to talk)
書く (kaku) ==> 書ける (kakeru/writable)
Irregular verbs
くる (kuru) ==> こられる (korareru/come)
する (suru) ==> できる (dekiru / can / able to)
Alternative way of indicating potential:
v.TA + ことができる
[ex: 書いたことができる/can write]
General Note
1. verbs that already indicate potential or ability cannot...
Particle ni (に) used with verb
Particle Ni (に)can use to specify a target of verb, it is different with particle O (を) which the verb does something to direct object. For example the target of any motion verb is specified by NI particle.
Tips after place adverb it often use ni particle.
1. 先週彼女と日本に行った。
Sensyu kanojo to nihon ni itta
I went to japan with my girl friend last week.
2. 工場に行く。
Koujou ni iku
I go to factory
3. 家にくる
Ie ni kuru
Come to home.
In example number 3, the target particle always targets "to" rather than "from" if we want to say "come from" we can use "kara"
4. ジョンは、中国からきた。
Jon ha, chugoku kara kita.
Jon came from china.
If "kara" paired with "made" it means "up to"
5. 8 .00から15.00まで 仕事する。
8.00 kara 15.00 made shigoto suru.
I work From 8.00 until 15...
learning more spesific about how much, how many in japanase: ikutsu
This time we learn about how to count the goods, said the number of Japanese language, because in the Japanese language every number has its own calculation method and vocabulary, eg
For human
(dalam bahasa jepang setiap jumlah mempunyai cara dan kosakata perhitungan tersendiri), misalnya Untuk manusia
1 = hitori
2 = futari
3 = sannin
4 = yonin
5 = gonin
6 = rokunin
For bulky items such as television, radio, cars, adding dai behind the numbers
Untuk barang berukuran besar seperti televise, radio, mobil, dengan menambahkan dai di belakang angka
1 = ichi dai
2 = ni dai
3 = san dai
4 = yon dai
5 = go dai
6 = roku dai
Nan dai? = how much?
For flat objects, such as paper, clothes, photos, cardboard, post card. By adding mai behind the numbers
Untuk benda berbentuk lembaran, seperti kertas,...
use the particle ni (に) in japanese sentences
1. the direction of the action (to)
I go to school.
2. existence (in, at, on)
There is a book on the desk.
3. change of state (turn into)
The traffic light has turned green.
4. time (on, in, at)
School starts at 8.30 every morning.
5. purpose of action (in order to)
I went to a restaurant to eat su...
kakikata (how to write), suffix kata
This suffix meaning how to do something, this word use when we need more explanation about how to do some thing, like how to make something, how to write, how to eat, how to drive, how to design and etc. below is some example1. Please, teach me how to write kana(mohon ajari saya bagaimana cara menulis huruf kana)かな の 書き方を教えてください。Kana no kakikata wo oshietekudasai.
2. I don't understand how to make dorayaki(saya tidak tahu bagaimana membuat dorayaki)私は どら焼き の 作り方 が 分かりませんWatashi ha, dorayaki no tsukurikata ga wakarimasen.
3. it's difficult to understand how to design this machine.Bagaimana cara mendesain mesin ini sulit dipahami.この 機械の設計し方 が 分かるのは難しいです。Kono kikai no sekkeishikata ga wakaru no ha muzukashidesu,
Suffik "kata" digunakan untuk mengungkapkan cara, ataupun metode dalam melakukan...
explanation of dekiru-can, able to in Japanese Language
出来ますか? Do you can? Bisa ga? Here some verb form of dekiru Dictionary form Dekiru 出来る Masu form Dekimasu 出来ます Nai form (negative) Dekinai 出来ない Masen (negative) Dekimasen 出来ません Reba (If possible) Dekireba 出来れば Tai form ( want) Dekitai 出来たい Ta form (past form) Dekita 出来た Ta form (polite) Dekimasuta 出来ました Use to explain that subject can do some thing digunakan untuk menjelaskan bila subyek dapat mengerjakan sesuatu, atau mempunyai sesuatu kemampuan. See some example below 彼女は日本語が出来ます。 Kanojyo ha nihongo ga dekimasu...
explanation of doko in Japanese
Explanation of doko At previous post I says main meaning of doko is where, it's usually use to asking place, asking home, and some time have meaning what but still have relation with place. Below some example "how and when doko is used" 1. to obtain place or showing location. Particles ni 木村さんがどこに住んでいますか。 Kimura san ga doko ni sunde imasuka? Where is Mr. Kimura living? Particles de どこで会いますか。 Doko de aimasuka Where shall we meet? Particles e (he) 休みの時どこへ行きますか。 Yasumi no toki doko e ikimasuka? Where you going when holiday? 2. use with demo "anywhere" Particle demo 今日は どこへ行きますか。 (どこでも 良いよ。) Kyou wa doko e ikimasuka? (doko demo iiyo) Where (we) going now? (Anywhere it's OK) 3. use before desu,...