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express although using to iu noni

というのに to iu noni can use to express although, this grammar is one type of verb conjugation, to indicate that one action/state takes places is quiet contrary to one expected, some formula that can use with to iu noni are

V.ru /V.ta (dictionary/past form) + To iu noni
N + To iu noni
Adj N + da + to iu noni
Adj I + to iu noni

OK, from formula above let's make some sentence

1. ii tenki to iu noni doko mo ikenai.
いい天気というのに どこも 行けない。
although weather is fine i can't go anywahere.
walau hari ini cuaca bagus saya tidak bisa pergi kemana-mana.

sample one is using adjective I before to iu noni.

2. sensei ga waza waza hon wo kasite kudasatta to iu noni, yomimasitaka ?
先生が わざわざ 本を 貸して下さった というのに、読みましたか。
Your teacher kindly loaned a book to (you), (but) you haven't read it?
gurumu sudah meminjami buku bagus, tapi kamu tidak membacanya ya?

sample two is using past from (kudasatta) before to iu noni it's indicate that object (book/hon/本) was loaned. we can't use dictionary from (V.ru - kudasaru) becouse the meaning of the sentence is past.

3.tomodachi ga kuru toiunoni kare ga ie kara deta.
友達がくる というのに 彼が 家から出た。
although he's friends will coming he went out.
walau temannya mau datang dia keluar rumah.

third sample is using V.ru a dictionary from before to iu noni, why becouse he's friend will coming it's mean doesn't coming yet. he's friend will coming is future form. becouse that use V.ru dictionary from before to iu noni is right choice, when we use past from, V.ta in third sample above the meaning of sentence will change " that he's friends was came"

oke for other example try to make sentences using phrase below

although it is dangerous
abunai to iu noni ..

although it is beautiful
kireida to iu noni ..

To Iu Noni
adalah phrase yang termasuk intermediate grammar, digunakan sebagai kata sambung yang mempunyai arti walaupun, meskipun, yang kata pertama dan kata kedua mempunyai arti yang berlawanan. sebelum kata to iu noni bisa kata kerja bentuk kamus, bentuk lampau, kata sifat i, kata sifat na + da.

v. ta totan, after doing that ...

totan can mean .. surutosuguni (するとすぎに) or it mean that after we doing A we doing B, it's simple grammar but something that must remember is that before totan (とたん) is always Verb.ta form, look at simple formula below

V.ta + Totan
after that

todan, is also intermediate grammar for JLPT (Japan Language Proficiency Test) level 2,
here some example sentence using totan

彼女は 部屋を入ったとたん ご飯を 食べた。
kanojyo ha heya wo haita totan gohan wo taberu
she eeting rice after enter the room
dia setelah masuk kamar langsung makan

外へ出たとたん、雨が 降りました。
soto he deta totan ame ga furimashita.
while gone to out side the rain come.
hujan turun begitu keluar.

i think 2 example is enough, becouse ta totan is not very difficult

explanation of japanese language conjunction verb tabini

tabini , consist of two word, tabi and ni, here is kanji of tabini ,

度に, たびに

before tabini is V.ru or dictionary form, so in simple formula
V.ru + tabini

tabini is conjunction verb, with mean every time, whenever, and each time.
here some example sentence using tabini.

レストラン で 彼が会う度に スパゲチィ を 食べる。
resutoran de kare ga au tabini supagetyi wo taberu.
every time he meets me in restaurant he always eat spaghetti.
setiap kali bertemu dia di restoran (dia selalu) makan spageti

仕事は 終わる度に、コーヒ を飲む。
shigoto ha owaru tabini, kohi wo nomu.
everytime finish the jobs, (I) drink coffee.
setiap kali pekerjaan selesai (saya) minum kopi.

電車に乗る度に 彼女 と 会って 仕事の話すを始める。
densyani noru tabini kanojyo to atte shigoto no hanasu wo hajimeru.
each time (I) enter the train i meet her then beginning conversation about our jobs.
setiap waktu masuk kereta, (aku) bertemu dia dan mulai mengobrol tentang pekerjaan.

ok three example i think enough.
Tabini, dipakai untuk mengungkapkan arti setiap kali, setiap waktu, sebelum kata tabini adalah kata kerja bentuk kamus (verb. ru)
lihat masing-masing contoh di atas.

make sentence using sosite, unite sentences, conjunction

sosite, そして is conjunction, some times mean and, after that, and then. this conjunction verb is usual use both in report and conversation, when you see TV program in japan, sosite is well used.

OK here some example
1. sosite place in beginning of sentence.
korekara basu de ikimasu. sosite densya ni norimasu.
これから バス で 行きます。そして 電車に 乗ります。
for now we go with bus, then with train.
sekarang kita pergi dengan bis, selanjutnya naik KRL (kereta api listrik).

2. sosite after v.te form.
ima no yotei ha hon wo yonde sosite kohi wo nomimasu.
今予定 は 本を 読んで そして コーヒ を 飲みます。
schedule for now are reading book, after that drink some coffee.
jadwal sekarang adalah menbaca buku, lalu minum kopi.

sosite digunakan untuk menyambung kalimat, di depan kata sosite bisa berupa bentuk Verb te, maupun akhir suatu kalimat. artinya kurang lebih seperti, lalu, kemudian, selanjutnya.

hodo, gurai meaning, and tsukai kata

here i try to explain hodo, this particle and phrase is common use to give expression about quantity,indicate approximation of amount, it's like gurai, in english we can says "about".

here some example sentence using hodo
Quantity, About.

1. kono shigoto ha ichi jikan hodo ato owaru to omou.
この 仕事 は 1時間ほど後終わると思う。
I think this jobs will finish about 1 hour later.
sekitar 1 jam lagi pekerjaan ini selesai.

2. nagano kara tokyo made densya de san jikan hodo kakarimasu.
長野から 東京まで 電車で 3時間ほど かかります。
from Nagano to tokyo with train will spend about 3 hours.
dari Nagano ke tokyo dengan KRL membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 jam.

Comparison, Like Usual
we can use hodo to compare situation, see example below.

1. kotoshi no natsu ha itsumo hodo atsusa da ne.
今年の夏は いつもほど 暑さだね。
this year summer degree is like usual.
musim panas tahun ini, panasnya seperti biasanya ya.

Something Increase
hodo is also have meaning that something increase, the others will increase as well.
Ok, here example

nandemo,nankaidemo rensyuu sureba suru hodo, jyouzu ni narimasu.
何でも、何回でも 練習すればするほど 上手に なります。
with everything,every time you take more practice, the better will you get.
dengan semua, dan berapakalipun mencoba dan mencoba terus, semakin bagus hasilnya.

actually from book that i read, hodo also have meaning to take specific situation, but becouse i didn't understand yet, i can explain at this post.

partikel hodo dapat mempunyai makna yang berbeda, dan dapat memiliki arti seperti halnya :
1. kira-kira, kurang lebih.
2. seperti biasanya, perbandingan kondisi.
3. peningkatan, berhubungan dengan sebab akibat.

sonkeigo, japanese language onomatopoeic

when i learn Japanese Language, this one is very interesting why becouse a lot of fun when learn onomatopoeic, what is onomatopoeic?
In many of the world's languages, onomatopoeia-like words are used to describe phenomena apart from the purely auditive. Japanese often utilizes such words to describe feelings or figurative expressions about objects or concepts. For instance, Japanese barabara is used to reflect an object's state of disarray or separation, and shiiin is the onomatopoetic form of absolute silence (used at the time an English speaker might expect to hear the sound of crickets chirping or a pin dropping in a silent room). It is used in English as well with terms like bling, which describes the shine on things like gold, chrome or precious stones. (see wikipedia.org)
or in simple words is Sound symbolism.

and in japanese we can express want we feel,what we want, using sonkeigo, for easiest example :


it's mean hungry.
here the others example sonkeigo (尊敬語)
and remember that sonkeigo also one part from grammar in JLPT level 2.

doki-doki ドキードキ、sound of heart, bunyi jantung
example :
1. kanajo to atta toki itsumo doki-doki suru.
彼女 と 会った 時いつも ドキードキ する。
selalu dag dig dug bila bertemu dia.
my heart sound become faster (dug-dug) when i meet her.

(comment : oh...it's soo... romantic....hehhe)

here the other's list :
puru-puru, プループル、when we feel very cold, ungkapan bila kedinginan.
guta-guta ,グターグタ、when we feel very tired, ungkapan bila sangat kecapekan.
uro-uro, ウローウロ、when we can walk in straight movement, drunk people in street, terhuyung-huyung, 道にまよってとき。
gan-gan, ガンーガン、頭いたいとき、when we feel heart in our head, ungkapan sakit kepala.
peron-peron, ペロンーペロン、よっぱらたとき、 drunkenly expression, ungkapan ketika mabuk.

and here some sonkeigo word that become grammar in JLPT level 2
soro-soro, そろそろ, let's go,hurry, ayo segera berangkat.
-> mo jikan desu ga, sorosoro ikimasyou.
もう時間ですが、そろそろ 生きましょう。
it's the time, let's go hurry.
sudah waktunya, ayo berangkat.

hakihaki, はきはき、lucidly, dengan jelas.
-> kare ga,senseino sitsumon ni hakihaki to kotaeteita.
he answer that problem with clearly.
dia menjawab pertanyaan gurunya dengan jelas.

noronoro, のろのろ,slowly,pelan-pelan.
iraira, いらいら、sebel
cyakucyaku, ちゃくちゃく、often, sering.
butsubutsu, ぶつぶつ、grumbling, ngomel.
magomago, まごまご、upset, bingung.
nyunyu,にゅにゅ、easy, mudah.

complete list manga sound

this complete list expression of manga sound although some meaning is not same.

wakeganai, ha kangaerarenai, ha hasuganai

wakeganai is JLPT (Japan Language proficiency Test) grammar and phrase for Level 2, it's easy to use, but some times look difficult.

wakeganai is often use in conversation, this phrase will make conversation more strong, the meaning is same with ha kagaerarenai, and ha hasuganai.

the formula to write wakegenai is before this word use one of this below form :

1. V (ability from) + wakeganai
2. Adjective I form + kunai + wakeganai
3. Adjective Na form + na + wakeganai
4. Noun + no + wakeganai

here some example
1. sonna no muzukashi kanji ga kakeru wakegenai (= zettai ni kakanai)
そんな の 難しい 漢字が 書ける わけがない。
those difficult kanji is impossible to write.
huruf kanji yang itu sangat susah, tidak mungkin untuk menulisnya.

for those example above it's mean zettai ni kakanai, it possible to write but almost impossible to write, or.. about 99% will says impossible to write.
oK let's see example number 2.

2. usagi ha ninjin ga taberarenai wakeganai.
ウサギ は にんじん が 食べられない わけがない。
rabbit is impossible can not eat carrot.
kelinci tidak mungkin tidak mau makan wortel

for second example i use negatif ( in taberu) than wakaganai ( it's also negative) so we can see that the meaning become positive. and we got the meaning " that rabbit is impossible doesn't eat carrot, of course this statement belong the rabbit doesn't sick and others.
the others sample

here i write other sample using adjective Na form.
3. itsumo ishogashi souni sigoto wo site iru nakamura san ga hima na wakeganai.
いつも 忙しそうに 仕事を している 中村さん がひまな わけがない。
nakamura san is always busy so impossible he have free time.
pak nakamura selalu sibuk, tidak mungkin dia punya waktu luang.

third example using adjective Na form before wakeganai.

digunakan untuk menguatkan kalimat bahwa sesuatu mungkin atau tidak mungkin, sebelum kata wakeganai di gunakan.

1. Kt.Kerja (bentuk kemampuan) + wakeganai
2. Kt.sifat I + kunai + wakeganai
3. Kt.sifat Na form + na + wakeganai
4. Kt.Benda + no + wakeganai

(V.ru koto / Noun )+ Koso

sometimes we often hear japanese people says "kondo koso ne" or.... koso,
so what the meaning of ...koso?
koso doesn't have exact meaning, but when those phrase assembled together in sentence, the sentence will have powerful, have strong meaning imagine.

the formula to make .. koso is
(V.ru koto/Noun) + koso

here the little sample of koso
kondo no siken koso ganbaritai.
今度の 試験 こそ がんばりたい。
(I) want to learn more seriously for the next exam.
saya ingin belajar lebih giat untuk ujian nanti.

before koso is always V.ru_koto or Noun, when before koso is noun we doesn't need to add Koto before koso, just straightly.

koso, digunakan untuk membuat kalimat berkesan lebih kuat, sebelum koso, digunakan bentuk kamus V.ru + koto, atau bisa sebelum koso adalah kata benda (Noun) tidak perlu di tambah dengan koto.

- no darouka, desyouka

no darouka it's same with desyouka, but desyouka use in formal condition and polite from.

when we can use no darouka
we can use to talk with our friends, or same age with us.
isn't good used in formal event or talk with our boss or our leader.

here the example
some my indonesian friend's request to also write the mening in Indonesian language, so at this post i write in 3 language.

1. natsu nanoni naze samui darouka?
夏なのに なぜ 寒いだろうか
it's summer right? why it's cold?
musim panas kenapa dingin ya?

2. naze nihonjin ha aruku no ga hayai darouka
なぜ 日本人 は 歩くのが あはやい だろうか。
why Japaneses people fast when walking ?
kenapa orang jepang cepat bila berjalan?

3. naze nihonjin ha tama sakana taberareru no darouka
なぜ 日本人 は たま 魚食べられる のだろうか。
why japanese people can eat raw fish?
kenapa orang jepang bisa makan ikan mentah?

that's some example sentence, hope it' use full

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