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Japanese expression various meaning of "aida", during, while, for long time

aida, あいだ、 have various meaning, the truth meaning of aida is between, for example

A: レイゾコン は どこにあるか。
rezokon ha dokoniaruka?
where is the refrigerator?
dimana kulkasnya ?

B : テブルとドア の間よ。
teburuto doa no aida yo.
it's located at between table and door.
di antara meja dan pintu.

Other meaning of aida (間)
the other meaning that i mean it's like :
while, during, (selama, sedang)
aida can mean during, or while, when aida use to express during or while before aida is V.ru from / dictionary from, see example below
会議やっている あいだ 静かにしてください。
kaigi yatte iru aida shizukani site kudasai.
please be quit, during the meeting.
mohon tenang selama rapat berlangsung.

食べるあいだ タバコを すわないでください。
taberu aida tabako wo tsuwanaide kudasai.
please don't smoking while eat.
Jangan merokok bila sedang makan.

for long time and for short time
aida can also have meaning for long time when it use together with nagai, the basic formula is
for long time - 長いあいだ - Nagai aida - lama
for short time - 短いあいだ - mijikai aida - sebentar.

for example
長いあいだ 会いませんでしたね。
nagai aida aimasendeshitane.
forlong time (we) doesn't meet.
lama ga ketemu yah

短いあいだしても ちゃんと話されるですね。
mijikai aida sitemo chanto hanasareru desu ne.
although for short time, we talk well.
walau sebentar, kita ngobrolin banyak yah.

Other example
other example like, shigotono aida... (仕事のあいだ), it's same with isogashi naka (急がし中) that have meaning while you work, or in your busy time.

Note :
aida dapat bermakna sebentar dan lama bila di gabung dengan mijikai dan nagai, arti dari aida lebih lanjut bisa dilihat dari konteks dan isi pembicaraan.

bikkuri, mendokusai, syouganai

for long time i doesn't write tutorial again, this because i focus to make some book, but its need more time to make book, at this post i want to tell three Japanese Expression that i like and hear it well. bikkuri, mendoukusai and syouganai.

first bikkuri /びっくり 
past from bikkurishita / びっくりした

this expression is use well to express something that make we surprised, some think new and interesting, for example

bikkurishitadayoune,omaekokoni iruno
I'm surprised you are in here
kaget gw, elu disini
note : those expression use in non formal conversation,when converting in formal conversation is
bikkurishimashita, kinositasan kokoni irrasyaimashita.
I'm surprised Mr.Kinosita here.
ah.. saya kaget, ternyata Bapak Kinosita juga disini.

mendoukusai /it's troublesome

here for example use above expression
A : 何で車がここに止まるの。
nande kurama ga kokoni tomaruno
why you stop(park) the car here?
ngapain berhenti/parkir disini?
B : だって、むこはめんどうくさいよ。
datte, mukoha mendoukusaiyo
because (at there) troublesome.
wah.. disana ribet/menyusahkan

to have no choice
tidak ada pilihan

A: やべ、パソコン 壊れちゃった。
yabee, pasokon kowarechatta
oh noo, the PC is broken
wadaw, PC gw rusak
B: ほんとに。。、え。。何で
hontoni..e... nande
are you sure, why ?
ah yang bener, kenape?
A : さっき ぶつかったかも
sakki butsukattakamo
i think it crash with somethink
sepertina abis nabrak sesuatu
B : ま しょうがない な
ma, syouganai na
yah, you don't have any choice.
ya (klo gt) mo gimana lagi

remember that the last conversation is also non formal conversation, you can use the non formal conversation with your friends.

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