continued from previous post about tokoro desu(ところ), now if before word tokoro is te from and iru, the meaning is still doing (, is same as When we talk about events that are actually happening now, or the present continuous tense in English grammar. here the formula
-ing form
Verb (te form) + iru tokoro desu,
here is the example
ima tebete iru tokoro desu.
now, we are eating.
then what the different from te iru, actually we can use te iru to express present continuous tense, but te form + iru tokoro is polite from, and this form have more intention what we feeling when doing conversation. see more example below to, firts example using tokoro and second sample using shite iru
1. A: kaigino shiryou wa mou dekimashitaka ?
会議の 資料 は もう できましたか。
have you finished the meeting stuff ?
B :sumimasen, mada desu . ima jyunbishite iru tokoro desu.
すみません、まだ です。 今準備しているところ です
i'm sorry , not yet. now still preparing.
2. A: ima nanio shite imasuka?
今 何を していますか。
what you doing now?
B: heya o syoujishite imasu.
部屋を 商事して います。
(I'm) cleaning my room
Thanks for continuing the lessons so that the language learners can get familiar with it. Wonderful Japanese Examples are provided here.
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