... tokoro desu, have some meaning, at this post is will explain first meaning if before word tokoro is jisyou kei (dictionary form) the sentence will have "will+V.ing" , here the example
A :ocha o mo nondaka?
do you have drink the tea?
B: iie, korekara nomu tokoro desu.
not yet, from now i will drink the tea.
not always but korekara is a completely nice words to accomplice before tokoro used.
korekara have meaning from now or from this.
this the other example in more complete sentence:
ちょうど 今から ケーキ を 食べる ところ です、一緒に いかが ですか。
cyoudo ima kara keki o taberu tokoro desu, isshouni ikaga desuka.
happenstance/accidentally from this we will eating cake, let's eat it together.
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