no darouka it's same with desyouka, but desyouka use in formal condition and polite from.
when we can use no darouka
we can use to talk with our friends, or same age with us.
isn't good used in formal event or talk with our boss or our leader.
here the example
some my indonesian friend's request to also write the mening in Indonesian language, so at this post i write in 3 language.
1. natsu nanoni naze samui darouka?
夏なのに なぜ 寒いだろうか
it's summer right? why it's cold?
musim panas kenapa dingin ya?
2. naze nihonjin ha aruku no ga hayai darouka
なぜ 日本人 は 歩くのが あはやい だろうか。
why Japaneses people fast when walking ?
kenapa orang jepang cepat bila berjalan?
3. naze nihonjin ha tama sakana taberareru no darouka
なぜ 日本人 は たま 魚食べられる のだろうか。
why japanese people can eat raw fish?
kenapa orang jepang bisa makan ikan mentah?
that's some example sentence, hope it' use full
Thanks for explaining with easy to understand examples. It is a good post.
Online Japanese course
Great post about the Japanese language learning with good examples which is easy to understand anyone.
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