中村(なかむら) : どこへ 行(い)きますか。
Nakamura : doko e ikimasuka
Nakamura : where you going?
山本(やまもと) :プランス語(ご) 学校(がっこう) です。
Yamamoto : puransugo gakkou desu.
Yamamoto : France language school.
中村 :プランス語 勉強(べんきょう)するんですか
Nakamura : puransugo benkyousurundesuka?
Nakamura : are you learn France Language?
山本 :そうではないけど。。
Yamamoto : Soudewanaikedo…
Yamamoto : not exactly right,mmmhh..
中村 :ええ。。何をために ですか。
Nakamura : Eee.. nani o tameni desuka?
Nakamura : then for what?
山本 :ええ。。と、プランス料理大好(りょうりだいす)きですから、プランス料理勉強するために、プランス語(ご)を習(なら)っています。
Yamamoto : ee..to, puransu ryouri daisuki desukara, puransu ryouri benkyousuru tameni, puransu go o naratteimasu.
Yamamoto : mmm.... I learn because I like to cook France cuisine, to learn that i learn France language.
中村 :あああ。。すごい ですね。。、出来(でき)たら、私も 教(おし)えていただきますか。
Nakamura : Aaaa.. sugoi desune.., dekitara, watashimo oshiete itadakimasuka?
Nakamura : wow, it's sound cool, if you was can cook, please teach me.
山本 :はい、出来(でき)れば。。。
Yamamoto : Hai, dekireba…
Yamamoto : as long as i can
below is tutorial in Indonesian Language
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hope this simple conversation also usefull to explain tameni, please give suggest or comments to improve this blog
please say more about tameni. it must mean ''for purpose of'' ...
seems like helpful word.
It's a nice practice. I just think you misspelled French it is フランズ furansu instead of "プランス"puransu as you wrote. Thank you
I enjoyed reading your blog. It really explains everything in detail, the blog is very interesting and effective. Thanks for sharing such a good blog.
Really great post about the japanese conversation.Now we can learn japanese conversation easily.Now learn advance japanese language in delhi
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